Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Something for Nothing

Someone said to me earlier that "classical music is boring" and that they "only like things that immediately grab" them. The person involved seems to lack the concept of 'proactive immersion' in an experience.

It's not possible to stand in front of a painting and say: "Go on, entertain me." (Well, it is possible, but you'd come across as a bit of a knob.) For any form of music, literature, dance, visual art or any other medium, only some parts may grab you. But the imperative is that you should try to grab what you don't immediately 'get'.

Personal 'truth' in art, science and faith are all the same in that they are only currently currently held hypotheses that are waiting to be improved upon or disproved. Engaging with, and asking questions of, what we don't fully understand is the only way forward, and also the only chance of personal development.

I wish I'd asked the person in question if they'd cook a special meal, put it on a plate, and wait for it to jump into their mouth.